czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2015

Top Tips on Motivating Staff

Understand your staff

The most basic tip to motivating your staff is to understand them. Get to know them, listen to what they have to say but not just about work. By listening to everything from tales about their kids to what they want in a new house, you learn what motivates them, what their ambitions and aims are and where their issues lie.
Some people are motivated by money, others by time and so forth. Getting to know your staff and getting in their heads a bit helps you know how to motivate them from this information.
This also applies to their future with the company – what they want to do with their careers and where they see themselves in the future. If an employee wants to move up the ranks, then mentoring them, coaching them in your own role and suggesting training or coursework that will aid this aim shows you understand what they want and will help them.
This is a great way to motivate them to do what you want them to do as they feel it will tie in with their own aims.


One of the biggest ideas in motivation of staff in recent years is called social recognition. It's a new term for an old idea – people like to be praised and praising them directly works but praising them to their team, group of colleagues or even the whole company works better.
This is the core ethic of social recognition and many businesses are setting up a program to do just this. Some are even including it in their incentives schemes to financially reward those who are recognised.
Another element of recognition involves recognition of your behaviour towards them. The old idea of treating others as you yourself would want to be treated is as current today as in the past. Showing you recognise what they do and respect them for it can work a treat for most managers and getting stuck in to do their job yourself also shows you aren't disconnected from their roles.


As a manager, there are some strong don'ts that need to be avoided or demotivation is a given. For example, losing your temper is a human trait but must be avoided as people rarely forget this kind of reaction and can be badly hurt by it. Don't abandon your staff when there are complaints or problems, even if the staff member is at fault.
Yes, a problem needs to be dealt with but not by abandoning them to deal with it alone – standing with them to deal with the issue or defending them if they have done nothing wrong will always be remembered by the person involved.

Are you motivated enough to work effectively ? If no, let's check the list below. It contains TOP Australian searches for best Companies to work for:

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