czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2015

HR Software: Tips for Talent Retention

For any organization, retention of its talented employees is just as important, if not more, as hiring them in the first place. A variety of steps can be taken by organizations to ensure that their top talent stays happy and satisfied with the organization and performs their job responsibilities. In this article, we'll take a look at some tips for talent management and the part HR software plays in this.

Hiring smart colleagues: Top talent wants to work with top talent. Ensure that you fill your workplace with talented people so that every working day becomes a new learning experience and a challenge for your employees.
Recognition and reward: There are very few things employees like more than recognition. Show your top talent that you recognize their efforts. Institute rewards programs for top talent so that they aspire to reach newer heights. A tangible reward and recognition program would go a long way to show your employees that you care for them.
Create learning and development opportunities: Smart people are driven by the opportunity to do more and learn more. Yes, at the time of joining, your employees come with a certain amount of learning and a certain skill set. But as they grow in the job, they need new skills and expertise. Impart these to the employees yourself. When employees feel that their organizations take good care of them and want them to learn and do more, they are more likely to stick on. One note about L&D though; learning is a continuous process that needs to be institutionalized. Ad hoc and on-off developmental activities won't achieve much.
Sponsoring education: This is something akin to the previous point, except I am talking about long-term education courses being offered by renowned institutions around the world. If your employee wants to do an MBA to further his career prospects, you can choose to sponsor the course in return for the employee joining back and working for you again at a superior level than before. Not only will you be getting a highly qualified candidate but also someone who knows the ins and outs of your organization and can add value right from the start.
Fun at the workplace: All work and no fun turns a workplace into a dreary den. Instead of insisting on work all the time, try to inculcate a little fun at the workplace. You could have periodic parties or have games rooms set up for winding down.
Invite suggestions: Smart employees naturally have suggestions on how to improve their current business function or the whole organization in general. Create an environment where they would be comfortable airing their suggestions. Better yet, don't wait for them to come up with something. Seek suggestions and feedback from them on how to improve the workplace and implement them if practical. Institute a reward for the best suggestion or the suggestion that showed the most tangible results so as to motivate them to come up with more.
The right tools: Today's workforce expects to be provided with the right tools to carry out their job responsibilities. This includes business productivity tools like human resource management software, CRM software, and the like. This ensures that the administrative work does not take up a lot of their time. HR software also helps with the effective implementation of other tips.

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