czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2015

The Psychology of A SUCCESSFUL Resume: Discover SECRETS from a Resume Expert and Find Out Why You Are Not Getting Interviews

The Psychology of a Successful Resume
What Is the PSYCHOLOGY of a Successful Resume?
If you a reading this, you are one of the many pulling out their hair because they are not securing work. Could it be your resume?

It's time to stop the madness and learn some very important tips to resume success. Discover how your resume can be improved with a few SIMPLE steps and most importantly...

What No One Is Telling You:

  • No longer necessary. We Get It. You Need a Job. Rather than detail what you are looking for, describe what separates you from the competition. Think in terms of the reader: what are THEY looking for. Not what just what you are looking for.
  • Don't waste precious space on stating the obvious. An executive/professional summary is much more effective.
  • No longer necessary. Putting this private information on your resume is antiquated and is a safety risk. In the days of online job submissions, you never know who will come into contact with your personal information.
  • It's best to ONLY list your city, state, and zip so that the recruiter, HR manager, or headhunter knows that you are a local candidate.
  • A crucial step that most are unaware of. The days of resume simplicity are long gone. You have to keep up with the latest industry trends.
  • One of the most under-acknowledged steps is utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Words by including them in your resume.
  • On average, 80% of companies are utilizing filtration systems (based on industry specific keywords) to siphon out under-qualified candidates.
WTFT HINT: A great way to find out what words are targeted within your industry is to search job postings/links.

  • Don't limit yourself to one page. You only get one chance to introduce yourself to a company. Why limit the ability to sell yourself by crunching your entire career history in one page?
  • Executive level resumes require concise and powerful descriptions and having up to three pages is perfectly acceptable.
  • Entry-level resumes can be one page only if you truly have limited work experience.
  • However, I have found that even those still in college have many years of employment experience, volunteer work and internships that can be successfully detailed across two pages.
  • This is not always the smartest approach. In my experience, the majority of people tend to be quite humble when selling themselves on paper. Though this is an endearing quality, it may be detrimental when submitting yourself for positions.
  • There is a fine line between being confident and being cocky. Try asking a close friend or colleague for their feedback on your resume to make sure you are presenting yourself in the confident light.
  • Remember, everything from your achievements to recognition needs to be listed on your resume. Without it, you are just listing descriptions of job duties and not highlighting where you have excelled during the course of your career.
WTFT HINT: Think of instances where you have exceeded expectations in your positions. These are defining moments that should be included and are imperative to resume success.

  • The most important section of the resume. It is the enticement factor for the reader. Be original and think before you submit!
  • Most resumes include generic phrases like "highly motivated, self-starter, works well with others." However, these are items that everyone from a McDonald's employee to the CEO at Google should already have in their toolkit.
  • Plus, using ‘vanilla descriptions' in your resume only makes it look as if you copied it from a template.
WTFT HINT: Use powerful and RESULTS-DRIVEN phrases that will make you stand out from your competition. Think of instances where you have surpassed all expectations, come up with innovative practices that are now implemented company-wide, and other instances where others have noticed your talents. These are key selling points and effectively entice the reader to read your resume in its entirety.

Feel free to forward your resume to for a free resume critique. I look forward to assisting you in your career success.

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